GLAD - Garden Landscapers & Developers

Welcome to Glad - Garden Landscapers And Developers

Glad - Garden landscapers and developers brings you close to the nature by providing you professionally drawn landscape design plan and creating the garden of your dreams with endless imagination. Our best and most appreciated abilities is to design and build a landscape within a predetermined budget. We provide you consultancy, execution and aftercare services for your gardens.

Our knowledgeable field supervision is skilled & productive. We are one of the leading organizations engaged in offering garden maintenance services in Nagpur. These include mowing of lawns, path clearance, tree surgery, pruning & weeding and are considered ideal for residential as well as commercial purpose.

Production Unit And Machineries

  • Category plant nursery spread over in 9 acres
  • Tractor
  • Sod cutter
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Expert Knowledge

  • Architecture Knowledge
  • Horticulture Knowledge
  • Irrigation Technician
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We are Professional

  • Landscape designer
  • Expertise in landscape execution
  • Professional maintenance of Landscape
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Our Subsidiaries Company
Rachna Exotic Nursery and Garden

we are also having our own nursery setup spread in 9 acres named as Rachna Exotic Nursery and Garden, Nagpur is top company in the category of plant nursery having a range of shrub, trees, traditional and exotic ornamental plants, perennials, bamboos, lilies and hardy ferns and a lot more with specialized lawn production for quality sod selling.

Nursery is having collection of unusual plants all grown organically for propagation and sale.

Our Forest Plants & Lawn Production Unit

What we do Our Services

Our Projects

  • All
  • Corporates
  • Township
  • Bungalow
  • Resorts
  • Waterfalls
  • Vertical Garden